Thursday, September 3, 2009


I just erased my two Friendster accounts. I have a Facebook and Twitter account that I graciously update everyday. What's another online thinymahsumthin right?

This is my second ever official blog. First was LJ but I have a few friends who use blogger so what the heck!

I've blogged before so may times but via Multiply. Why? Because most of my friends are there. And why would someone want to blog something that no one would ever leave a comment to or even notice it at least? Riiiggght?!

I would try to the nth level to advertise and shamelessly plug this blog.

I want to be read/heard. Well yeah I just blabber and whine most of the time but who doesn't? Riiigght?!

I would have you guys, this blog is going to be like SM. "We've got i all for you."

Name it and I'll blabber about it. :D

I'm going to try and make it worth your while honey. *winkwink*

Piz awt bitches!

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